Documentation on gpnorm
Task: gpnorm
Purpose: Correct the polarisation leakage terms for an offset.
Categories: calibration
GpNorm is a MIRIAD task which corrects gains and polarisation
leakage tables for XYphase and leakage offsets. It is based on the
supposition that the leakage and gain tables are offset from the
true values. This is often the case when they have been determined
from observations of a weakly polarised calibrator. GpNorm
compares the leakage terms with nominally correct terms, and determines
an leakage and XY phase offset to add which will minimise the
difference between the two sets of leakages. The determined leakage
and XY phase offset can then be used to correct the leakages and
Key: vis
The visibility data-set to correct. This must have a leakage table.
Additionally, it should have a gains table if the XY phase correction
is to be applied. No default.
Key: cal
The data-set containing the nominally correct leakage table. No
Key: options
Task enrichment parameters. Several can be given, separated by commas.
Minimum match is used.
"noxy" Do not solve for, or apply, the XY phase offset.
"apply" Apply the solved for corrections to the vis data-set.
Generated by on 11 Jul 1996